Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Reasons For Walking Out Of A Bad Marriage / Relationship

1. You have every right to live a life of dignity and live according to your own free will and maintain you own identity.

2. There is nothing called "better" or "worse"..Any form of abuse is bad for your physical and mental well being. Just because you weren't left with broken limbs doesn't mean that taking any form of abuse is any better.

3. Abusers suffer from deep emotional and psychological issues. Studies show that once your partner shows abusive behaviour and you give in, it is likely that he will continue to abuse you. By not renouncing such a relationship, you are giving the other person a license to abuse you. It is very difficult to make your abusive partner take responsibility for his actions and he might not be ready to accept that he needs professional help, which is practically a long procedure and there's no guarantee. You might as well just walk off.

4. To maintain peace at home, you will give up on your right to express or to maintain your lifestyle. If your life is at the behest of someone else's whims and fancies, it will lead to a state of extreme depression and is therefore a threat to your life and mental well-being. Your constitution guarantees you a right to express and lead your life as per your own wish. No one has a right to take that away from you.

5. Many women might go through only verbal and emotional abuse, not physical or sexual. Emotional / verbal abuse is a far more confusing form of violence because most of the times the victim does not see the threat in store. It might not lead to physical injuries but has a far deeper impact.

6. Physical and mental impact: Abuse might lead to physical injuries, hospitalization, permanent physical damage, depression and other long term psychological issuesIn some cases, it may even lead to homicide or the victim might herself may lose the will to live and may develop suicidal tendencies.

7. Damage to the kids: They might even be the next victims of the abusive father. They might get physically, sexually and emotionally assaulted or even be the victims of homicide. If not, they would get neglected because of the constant drama at home. Their performance at school might get affected. Their overall growth might get hampered. They might suffer from sleep disorders. Might live in constant fear and go completely speechless. They might have trouble making friends. Even if kids do not witness physical abuse taking place, they can still hear screams and it scares the hell out of them. It is believed that 80% to 90% of these children are aware of the situation at home. These kids might learn abusive behaviour and might repeat the abusive cycle once they grow up or the abuse might affect the kids mentally (dyslexia, impaired cognitive and sensory growth) or grow up to be another victim of abuse.

8. Can get worse.

9. A gentleman never raises his hand. In spite of that, a gentleman will never resort to abuse. If a man stoops to that low a level, walk out on him. He's not worth any of your time or effort. He rightfully belongs behind bars.

10. Peace of mind and a happy future. Most women lead happy and successful lives after getting out of abusive marriages. If you keep worrying about the future, you will never get to explore the beautiful future that awaits you with open arms. You and your kids deserve a happy and peaceful life.

11. You'll get support. There are a lot of women who go through it. Your family and friends will support you. Even if they don't, there are a lot of support groups out there to help you out. You need to come to terms with the gravity of the situation and talk about it. Make up your mind and walk off.

- Surbhi Tangri

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